Monday, April 27, 2009

Just a day in the life of...

I can't believe it but my baby has just turned one year old. It happened in a blink of an eye. It is harder this time, I think, because I know that this is my last child.
I can't believe that it's been a month since I've posted. We finally got over to my sister-in-law's in Saskatchewan. She's been married for 11 years and this is the first time we've visited. Sad. But we couldn't get away. Really! We owned a tow truck company and my hubby only got two or three days a year off, branding weekend and Christmas day. So there was just no way. But we've been there now and done that and it was good. We also stopped at the hubby's youngest sister's place on the way out. Then on the way home we stopped at his parent's. I have great in-laws. Thank God!
This morning I've been doing watercolors with my 3 year old. She's going through a very girlie faze. She's wearing her tutu and painting.
We've been watching Riptide at night. I didn't really remember it. It's a show from the 80's similar to Magnum PI. I Love watching those old shows. We just finished Moonlighting. The first couple seasons were OK but I found I didn't enjoy them as much once we got further along. They lost something especially when Maddie Hayes got pregnant and went away and then married someone who wasn't David. Then the series finale was kind of a disappointing.
My girlfriend was in Thailand a couple months ago. She brought us all gifts though she didn't need to. But the gifts are beautiful. I got a purse, the hubby got a neat necklace, the 3-year old got a beautiful cotton outfit with elephants on it and the baby got a dress that matches the eldest's outfit. I'll have to do pictures in them 'cause they are so beautiful.
I love my little aspire one computer. It's one of the little ones. I made sure it was charged up the night before our drive when we went on our trip. I was able to work in the truck with it. I've got a goal to get my book In Tow Deep done by my birthday in July. I've got 23,000 words done.