Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting Again...

I know it has been two months at least since I wrote in here. I'm not going to make excuses (well not too many). Summer always seems to be the time when we take a break and let things slide. My writing has been one of the things hardest hit. I had been trying to get my book finished by July 31 but alas, it is still only on chapter 8 or 9.
I am working on a new endeavor, though, writing non-fiction. It was always one of the things I passed up in my courses. I always wanted to further my fiction story writing. Now I wished I'd paid a little more attention to the non-fiction side of things. I need to find a job. My hubby is not sure how work is going to hold up this winter with the oilfield. He's been taking everything and anything, often working away from home.
I'm so thankful for him but I am feeling supremely guilty that I'm not contributing to our household financially. I know I keep the house, watch the girls etc. I know I'm not just a housewife and mother but still... Also, the only things I'm qualified for are minimum wage jobs, there is almost no point going. I can't expect free childcare and free gas.
So I am turning to my writing, the one thing that I have been taking classes and doing since I left high school. Now I just need to submit. Why does that always seem like the hardest step to take? My mind keeps telling me, "what do you know? Nobody's going to want that stuff." According to any instructor I've had I can do it. The last one told me, "it's time to take the training wheels off and go." Or something to that effect.
So today, finally, after much delaying and procrastinating, I'm going to find a place to send at least one short story and see if I can make some headway on writing some fillers.
Start small.