Friday, July 15, 2011

Mommy, are you fat?

My oldest daughter recently asked me, "Mommy, are you fat?"
I replied with a resounding, "NO!".  Then asked her, "Do I look fat?"
She said, "No, but when your shirt comes up your tummy kinda is."
Ah, stretch marks.  Gotta love 'em.
Well honey my tummy is never going to look smooth ever again there's always going to be that pooch there unless I get some work done.

Then, the other day we were all laying in bed together, my hubby and the two girls and the toy poodle, and I had my legs propped up against the head board because I suffer from varicose veins.  I was wearing shorts because we are in the middle of our once-a-year heat wave and my DD#1 says, "Your legs are jiggly."  Jeez, give a girl a break all ready.

Granted I could stand to lose ten pounds but still it's tough to hear when your kids start to notice your jiggly parts.  I'm also trying to not be on a "diet" but to focus on healthy foods and exercise to keep our hearts and muscles strong to help my daughters.  I've been on a diet since I was in elementary school and I don't want that for my girls.

So here's to little girls with inquisitive minds who are encouraged to voice their opinions, and to a future of girls who aren't dieting but are strong in mind and body.