Monday, September 24, 2012

Everyday Life

I have a picture on my kitchen wall with the caption:

"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."


The days seem to be speeding by with my having nothing to show for them.

It's easy to get down on yourself when you're a stay-at-home mom. 

A homemaker.

One of the professions that isn't considered a profession.  Raising children. 

A nearly thankless job sometimes.  You are on call 24/7.  Day and night.  Week in, week out.

I have to remind myself that the time I've had with my girls has gone remarkably fast already. 

When they are graduating high school and getting driver's licenses and getting married it's going to seem like a dream. 

Where did the time go?? 

My parents took them for an overnighter (my hubby was on a trip with the guys) this past weekend.  As I sat enjoying the silence and the ability to eat my meal without having to jump up and get things, it occurred to me that when they leave home I'm going to have so many days like that and the silence is going to be so lonely. 

I alternated between wanting to smile and wanting to cry the whole time they were gone.

Just remember your babies are only small for a short time and everything else can wait until

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Ways

As tempting as it is to step on the old weight loss resolution train again, I think this year I'm going to forgo the pleasure.  After 35 years it's time to try something different.  I think where I go wrong is that I go whole hog; low calories and lots of exercise.  I lose weight but I also burn myself out and then I don't give a crap anymore.  So this year I'm thinking moderate exercise ( I really do want to start running again but only a couple times a week plus a little bit of toning to keep some of my muscle) and higher calories (more like 1800 calories instead of 1200).  So we'll see how it goes.