Monday, May 27, 2013

Almost there

My daughter is seven and is almost done grade two.  I home school her and she "officially" has 8 days of school left as we are working our way through 9 modules of 18 days each.  I thought with the end being so near she'd be chomping on the bit to be finished and would want to do more so she was finished for the summer.
This, however, has not been the case.  I have been hearing more "I can't do it" or simply "I'm not doing it" complete with the mutinous expression than I have since the beginning of the school year.
I'm with her BUT I know that if she simply buckled down she could be done this week.  Then she could have her beloved summer holidays complete with swimming lessons, dance camp, and branding at Nana and Papas.
Why oh why do children have to be so difficult?? LOL right??  'Cause if I don't laugh I will surely cry.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Go to bed already!!

How is it that I am so tired and yet here I sit, yet again, contemplating what I should do?

I want to finish that episode of Hart to Hart (yes I'm addicted to 70-80s TV shows, Rockford Files, Remington Steele, Magnum PI).  I really should try and read a couple chapters of the library book I've had out for a week.  Oh crap, I haven't written in my journal yet.  The dogs need to go out.  On and on, I do this almost every night and then wonder why the heck I'm dragging my butt when my girls get up in the morning.

Do other moms do this?  Try to cram as much into their couple hours of me-time at night as they possibly can??