Saturday, January 29, 2011

Trust me

I've been off the diet wagon for about a month.  My scale is hidden away and I weigh in once a week.  So far my weight is staying stable.   I'm learning to trust myself, my hunger, my feelings.  If I'm hungry (as in stomach growling) I eat, what I want.
 BUT I have to sit down and breathe.  I take a bite and set down my fork.  I try not to act like I'm starving, and that if I don't inhale the whole content of whatever is on my plate I will certainly starve to death.  Not bloody likely.  I have to admit I'm having a hard time telling when I'm full though.
  I use a very small plate (about 7" diameter).  It may seem foolish but I have discovered it takes very little to actually satisfy me.  If I eat when I'm hungry I'll have a better chance of stopping when I'm full.  If I'm in a eat-anything-that-doesn't-eat-me-first mood I can pack away a lot of food.  Now, though, because I have generally been eating a lot less at a sitting it takes a lot less to make me feel physically sick.  But I refuse to throw up.  No more punishing myself like that.  I just eat the next time I'm hungry.  I don't deprive myself because that will just send my into that nasty binge/purge/ do it again cycle.
I still don't completely trust myself though.  I keep thinking that it would be so much easier to go back to the way I did things before.
The way it is now I eat when I'm hungry, and feel what I feel.  The point is not to eat to block out the pain and sadness or boredom.  Because when you are done scarfing down everything in sight the pain, sadness and boredom will still be there.
I ask myself:  What do I really, really want to be doing right now?  Usually my answer is not eating but laying down for a few minutes with a book or watching a movie.  I usually don't let myself have down time during the day, I'm afraid that I will let myself relax too much and I'll become a lazy log and I won't get anything done, my house will fall into disrepair, my kids will run wild and watch too much TV. 
I think I have control issues but we'll leave that for another day.

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