Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Good grief I think it has been raining for a week, that's most likely an exaggeration but it sure would be nice to see the sun.  I have fencing and outdoor work to do and I don't have proper rain gear.  I guess my winter coat would work but I don't want to rip it on barbed wire when I'm stapling up fallen wires.  It can wait, I suppose, since the cows aren't coming until the end of June but I feel so guilty when the hubby is out getting soaked in the rain and I'm watching from the window drinking a hot cup of tea.  But it was his idea to move the fence out.  He gets bored when he's home, he's not the type to sit on his butt day after day.  So he makes projects for himself and I somehow get drug into them.

My garden is in under the protective covering of the greenhouse and is growing so nice.  Most people around here haven't even got their gardens in yet since it's been a bit chilly and wet.  The only problem I have now is with the ants that have taken up residence, they seem to think the greenhouse is an ideal place to be.  So I've been digging out the worst of them and drowning the rest every time I go out.  I'm trying to make life as unpleasant for them as I can without resorting to poisons, hopefully they get the hint.

The DH has also bought a couple pygmy nanny goats.  I had pygmy goats when I was a teenager and I loved them.  A dog ended up killing most of my small herd and it broke my heart.  I didn't ask for them though I really think it's going to be nice getting some critters again.  The girls should love them too.  The hubby just keeps saying, "I don't know why I'm doing this, I hate goats!"  How can anyone hate something that is so cute.  They should be weaned mid-June and now we have to get them a pen and shelter.

My DD#1 has been hounding me to go bike riding.  I remember bike riding a lot as a kid but it sure hurts the rear end now.  The upside is it should help with the weight loss efforts.

So despite the rain it is nice to look out and see the green grass growing and the new leaves on the trees. 

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