Monday, October 27, 2014


Honestly this year has thrown more than a few curve balls my families way. It's enough to make a person stay in bed with the covers pulled over their head. Staying positive has been a difficult feeling to maintain. And I've had more than a few pity parties.

The hardest hit was when I was diagnosed with breast cancer July 16/14. I'll never forget that day as long as I live. It drastically changed my life. I went from an active, healthy woman with nary a care in the world to a person being poked and prodded and told that the medicine that would make me better would make me sick. It was a lot to take in and I was terrified. I have now finished my 4th chemo treatment and I have 4 left. Then surgery and radiation. The chemo does indeed make me sick, for a week after I generally have heart burn and nausea. My head wants to do things but my body says "Uh Uh".

 My little girls have been great and they give me a reason to keep getting up in the morning. It does feel like a punch to the heart, though, when they ask if I'm going to die. My oldest is not sleeping and suffers from tummy aches at night and I feel so bad for her, knowing I'm the cause of her anxiety.

I know I don't have it nearly as hard as some do. I have an amazing group of people that support me. Neighbors that bring meals by. Family that can take my girls at a moment's notice. Texts, emails and phone calls. They all mean so much. If I take anything away from this it's the fact that people facing illness maybe don't want you to even mention the illness. They just want you to treat them like you always did. Something I always had trouble with was knowing what to say to people going through hard times. I would simply avoid them. Now I know. Don't avoid them just be there. Even just a simple text saying "thinking about you" is all it takes to lift my spirits.

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