Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm Back

I can't believe it has been 6 months since I last did a blog. Honestly, it didn't feel that long. Time sure has a way of getting away from you.
So many things have happened since Sept.
My dd#1 turned four. She has recently quit wetting the bed. She's so excited that she's not in night time diapers anymore. Me too.
Christmas has come and gone.
We sold our steers in the fall and just recently sold our heifers. Sometimes I wonder if having the cows is all it's cracked up to be though. We just got our income taxes done and we owe over $2000 because of our un-taxed income. It makes me want to cry.
We paid off a loan and year ahead of schedule. Whoo hoo! Now the extra money will go on the truck loan. When the hubby isn't working (due to spring breakup or something-oilfield is a touchy career) that's the loan that kicks the hell our of our finances. So maybe in under 2 years that one will be gone as well. Here's hoping.
DD#2 has gotten her big girl bed. She loves it. Now if we could just get her so she wasn't crying at night. She wakes up at least once a night and screams her head off or comes down to our room for a visit. The other night she did that 3 or 4 times, it's worse than having a newborn. I can't remember what a full, uninterrupted night of sleep feels like.
I recently joined a writer's group, there are 5 or 6 other members. I felt so invigorated after our last meeting. I was talking to adults about something other than potty training.
DD#2 is also potty trained, mostly. She still has accidents but she's not even 2 yet so I think that's pretty good.
Well, I must be off. It's night time and all is quiet. This is my writing time so I shouldn't spend too much of it here. I can't promise I'll be more faithful to my blog but I will try. Until next time take care.

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