Thursday, April 29, 2010

snow snow go away

We woke up to at least 10"of snow this morning. At least we still had power, at least until about 10:30 or so then it was off until 6ish. Try explaining to your 2 year old that you're not being mean there is simply no power to watch Dora. Then she screamed at me for not turning the light on in the bathroom. Luckily, I have a 4x4 and my hubby, who got called into work this morning do to snowplowing, plowed us out on his way by (gotta love them job perks). It was nice to be able to get out and go when the girls were driving me crazy being cooped up. I bundled them up and we went to my mom and dad's house, which is close. My aunt and uncle are visiting for a few days and it's been a long time since I've visited with them.
While we were there my dd#2 had a nap and when she got up she was sitting on my lap and vomited all over me and herself. My aunt was right in there with the kitty litter. I had to go outside and rub snow on my pants to try and get the stuff off me. Then I still smelled awful so my aunt sprayed me with Febreeze.
I'm trying to plan my greenhouse. We are supposed to be building it this weekend but we'll see if the snow is gone by then. I'm doing a pvc hoop greenhouse that I found on We already ordered the pvc and I'm so excited. Last year the garden was a dismal failure. We planted late because it was cold and then we got frost in June. So this year I was determined to do something different. I'm putting this right over my existing garden and I'm going to build a couple raised growing beds. My mom would like them to be about 36" high so she doesn't have to be on her knees. I have trouble with my knees too so I think that would be ideal. Also, it would keep the slugs out of the lettuce. EEEW!
Now I just have to figure out how to build the raised beds with minimal help and money. My hubby is already freaking out thinking this is going to be a greenhouse full of weeds. I'm scouring the web looking for a plan I like so we'll see. It should be cheap to fill. My sis works at a commercial greenhouse so I should be able to get the stuff I need at cost. Yay!
Well, here's hoping the snow stays away now. I just about killed myself shoveling snow off the trampoline this morning.

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