Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rough Start

Well, 2013 is off to a rough start.  Not so bad and I really shouldn't complain because there are others out there so much worse off than myself.  It's more of a small pity party lol
My uncle passed away quite suddenly and that is always a shock.
Then I ended up with a nasty rash called pitysiasis rosea.  The itchiness is driving me crazy.  I was up at 3 in the morning rubbing on lotion early this morning.  I've had it 2 weeks and, of course, I've been researching it online trying to find a way to get rid of it.  BUT there is so much conflicting information out there.  It's viral; it's fungal.  Take a tepid shower; take a hot shower.  You might have it two weeks or two months (or in some cases more than that).  They don't seem to know what causes it.
     It would be so much easier if I knew what to do with it. I've taken baths in: bakings soda, sea salt, powdered ginger, cider vinegar and colloidal oatmeal.  Not all at once, of course. 
     I tried some Aveeno lotion today that's supposed to be for rashes and dry skin and holy it started stinging.  It felt like I'd been dipped in menthol.  I read the ingredient list and lo and behold there is menthol in the Aveeno.  That seems odd to me. 
     So I'm on a mission to see what is going to work the best.  So far I'd have to say the colloidal oatmeal bath was one of the best.  The morning after I did that my rash was pink instead of the angry red it was after my pharmisist had said it was fungal and to use Selsun Blue shampoo on it (you rub the shampoo on and leave it for a few minutes, if you can stand it and shower it off).  After I did this it was bright red and my skin went rough and scaly.  After about the third day it was so tender I could hardly stand it.  To find out if you have the fungal variety you need to go to your doctor and get a sample taken so you know for sure.
     I'm trying to go more natural, no scents.  I've been using sweet almond oil and coconut oil.  It has also been suggested that I try colloidal silver.  So here we go...wish me luck.


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