Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting something done

I dropped my daughters off at my mom and dad's about 9. I came home and decided I couldn't write with the house being such a mess so I set my timer for 25 minutes and hustled around cleaning. It actually looks pretty good. So if you are one to lament over housework even 30 minutes can make a big difference.
I finished just in time to make the chat at Long Ridge Writer's Group. It was a really good forum today on description. You have to write the way you interact with the world. Drop the words 'noticed' and 'thought' from your work. You have to write what you are aware of in certain situations. Like if your POV were being chased by a killer you wouldn't write about them noticing the color of the wall or photos. You would be focused on finding an escape route or a weapon. The description of a scene has to match your POV's emotional state or level of concentration. You have to blend description and action.
I took a break for lunch and watched Ellen Degeneres and then rode the exercise bike while watching Steven and Chris. After a shower I hit (figuratively) the computer and wrote for a good two hours (I've gotten 2/3 of chapter 6 done) until the hubby surprised me by coming home early. But I'm pleased with the amount of work I did get done. I guess it was good he came home because I had some technical questions for him (towing). He's always really good about answering all my questions without making me feel stupid or silly.
I went and picked up my girls at 5:30. Nothing makes you feel better. They smile and are just so glad to see you. They just make everything better. But admittedly there are days when they make me want to pull my hair out. Especially now that the youngest is getting around and getting into everything. The oldest takes everything away claiming it's hers. I guess it's tough to go from having it all to having to share. A book I read likened it to if your hubby brought home a new wife and expected you to share everything. That makes it a little easier to understand.

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