Friday, March 20, 2009


Since the hubby has been away working I've actually been sitting down for an hour or more (once the girls are in bed) and writing. It feels good. I started chapter 6 last night. Whoo hoo! With any luck I can have this book written by my birthday in July. I mean that is over 4 months away so it should be a workable goal. I've been feeling that old demon on my shoulder saying why should I bother even trying. What's the point? But my point is that I need to have something like this in my life, even if I never make any real serious money or anything. I know that it's years down the road but when my girls leave home in 15 or so years I'm going to need something to fall back on or I'll most likely go mad. And truthfully I really like writing. I like sitting down and getting the words out and getting to know my characters. So here's to writing.

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