Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A scare

I got a call from my mom this morning. She has to go back to Red Deer . My hubby and I took her up on Monday in that sh*tty weather. She had a mammogram and this morning they told her to come back up. They'd found something. They originally made the appointment for Friday but she called back and changed it to today. If you know my mother she would have made herself absolutely sick by the time Friday rolled around. She can't handle things like that. She needs to know what's going on. She has to have a biopsy. But the odds are good (85%) that this is nothing other than some calcification (?). Anyways, it's still scary. I want both my parent's to be around for a while. I want my children to know all their grandparents. I lost my paternal grandfather a year before I was even born, my maternal grandfather when I was about 6, and my paternal grandmother when I was 9. My last grandmother is still alive but man can she be a boot sometimes.
I took the girls to their Rhyme Time this morning and then we played at the Parent Link until about 2:30. My eldest is really coming out of her shell. She has always been afflicted by separation anxiety and nervousness around people. Similar to me. People make me nervous. So I'm really glad to see her making progress in this area. It is really debilitating to be scared to walk into a room of people if there isn't someone you know inside. I like familiar.
I'm going to try and get a wee bit of writing done tonight if possible. My hubby is watching TV in the bedroom and can't seem to keep the volume down. I'm trying not to be too bitchy because he is going away tomorrow and won't be back til Sunday. He is going sledding. Even though we are on the verge of being broke. He absolutely loves doing this and he didn't get to go out at all last year thanks to his ankle surgery and working all the time. I can't be the wife who bitches at him for going. He's a hard worker who deserves a break. We'll manage we always do.

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