Saturday, January 24, 2009

Old Friends

Well, we had our first meal with a half of a couple we used to spend a lot of time with. She was once my best friend and he, I've known all my life. The she of the relationship I haven't seen since last xmas (07) but we have kept in touch with him. He invited us to supper last night. We finally met his love interest and they've been together for quite a while now. It was harder than I thought it would be to be in that house and to see someone else in the kitchen. He had the kids and it was nice to see them because it's been a year or so since I've seen them too. I feel like I've missed so much with them. They've grown up so much. I remember holding both of them when they were babies. I missed them more than I thought. So I think right now I'm going through almost a grieving period. I have no really close friends at this point., except my mom and my hubby. I think I'm a bit scared to get close to anyone for fear I will lose them. I know I need to move on and find new friends but...
We are going to another friends place tonight. I go to a kid group with her and he's another sweetheart. They are good couple friends since my dh and both get along with them. But I feel as though I'm holding them at arm's length.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What a day

Well still chugging along. I can't believe it's Friday already. I managed to do the treadmill this morning but not the shower. So I feel like a complete grunge. I'm typing this with my 9 month old hanging off my hip. Hard on the back. I actually did some baking with my 3 yr old this morning, though I'm not quite sure why I picked today. She's still got that damn cold so every 2 minutes I was wiping her nose and then washing our handsanf trying to get her to sneeze into her elbow and not her hands or the bowl. Arg. Then while I was making lunch the baby woke up from her nap and the 3 year old went to entertain her and somhow managed to get her leg stuck in between the rungs in the crib. So, much crying and screaming some of it mine when I couldn't get her cree. I thought I was going to have to phone my dad to come help but I finally did it.
On the upside though I think I'm getting my command start installed in my suburban today. My dad is trying to get a fire started in our freezing cold shop so my sister's boyfriend won't freeze to death trying to get it installed. He must be bored while Sis is at work.
Well, better go feed the girls their lunch. Ellen will be on soon and Steven and Chris after that.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting things done

Another Monday with the whole week looming ahead. Will I actually get anything done this week? God, I hope so. I don't want to be sitting lounging in the same spot next year. Must move forward. Easier said than done.
I did manage 30 minutes on the treadmill. I could go longer but that's all the baby will stand being cooped up in the exersaucer. But if I can consistently be consistent than maybe I'll see some results.
I dug out my Writer's Market this morning. Maybe it will jog the writing juices. Give me some ideas where I can send some stuff.
I'm also working on my book pitch for a contest. Might as well what have I got to lose. Also, it may be just the thing I need to get my butt in gear and actually get this book done so I can work on one of the many other ideas floating around in my brain.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here I go again. Something new to try and not mess up.
I must warn you there will probably not be any bitching or complaining in this first post but beware, depending on the day who knows what will rear its head here. We'll take it one day at a time. Hmmm, better scratch that. That's one of those phrases we all use way too much and I'm trying to get away from that, trying to improve my writing etc.
My only complaint -oops- is the running noses. I'm so tired of wiping snotty noses that don't want to be wiped. Eew! I'm paranoid of touching anything for fear their little fingers have been in their noses and then everywhere. Yes I am a mom but somedays it just gets to you.
Well, I think that's all I'm going to attempt for now but I'll be back tomorrow.