Friday, January 23, 2009

What a day

Well still chugging along. I can't believe it's Friday already. I managed to do the treadmill this morning but not the shower. So I feel like a complete grunge. I'm typing this with my 9 month old hanging off my hip. Hard on the back. I actually did some baking with my 3 yr old this morning, though I'm not quite sure why I picked today. She's still got that damn cold so every 2 minutes I was wiping her nose and then washing our handsanf trying to get her to sneeze into her elbow and not her hands or the bowl. Arg. Then while I was making lunch the baby woke up from her nap and the 3 year old went to entertain her and somhow managed to get her leg stuck in between the rungs in the crib. So, much crying and screaming some of it mine when I couldn't get her cree. I thought I was going to have to phone my dad to come help but I finally did it.
On the upside though I think I'm getting my command start installed in my suburban today. My dad is trying to get a fire started in our freezing cold shop so my sister's boyfriend won't freeze to death trying to get it installed. He must be bored while Sis is at work.
Well, better go feed the girls their lunch. Ellen will be on soon and Steven and Chris after that.

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