Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here I go again. Something new to try and not mess up.
I must warn you there will probably not be any bitching or complaining in this first post but beware, depending on the day who knows what will rear its head here. We'll take it one day at a time. Hmmm, better scratch that. That's one of those phrases we all use way too much and I'm trying to get away from that, trying to improve my writing etc.
My only complaint -oops- is the running noses. I'm so tired of wiping snotty noses that don't want to be wiped. Eew! I'm paranoid of touching anything for fear their little fingers have been in their noses and then everywhere. Yes I am a mom but somedays it just gets to you.
Well, I think that's all I'm going to attempt for now but I'll be back tomorrow.

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