Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting things done

Another Monday with the whole week looming ahead. Will I actually get anything done this week? God, I hope so. I don't want to be sitting lounging in the same spot next year. Must move forward. Easier said than done.
I did manage 30 minutes on the treadmill. I could go longer but that's all the baby will stand being cooped up in the exersaucer. But if I can consistently be consistent than maybe I'll see some results.
I dug out my Writer's Market this morning. Maybe it will jog the writing juices. Give me some ideas where I can send some stuff.
I'm also working on my book pitch for a contest. Might as well what have I got to lose. Also, it may be just the thing I need to get my butt in gear and actually get this book done so I can work on one of the many other ideas floating around in my brain.

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