Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, the hubby left for Medicine Hat this morning. He'll be gone for at least 2 weeks-I think. I'm not used to having him gone. Last year about this time he was working up at Calahoo near Edmonton and I never knew when he was coming home. Even when we had our 2nd daughter he was only home for a couple weeks. It was bad because I had my c-section to deal with so my mom was over a lot. But it is necessary that he go away to work because that is where the work is. It's supposed to be a very slow spring in the oil field so get work while the getting is good.
The girls are feeling better, mostly. The noses are still running but have slowed to a drip.
I'm trying to work on some writing while hubby is away. When he left at 6:30 I got up and wrote for an half an hour or so. Maybe I need to make this a habit so I can get my book finished.

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