Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well, I'm having a bit of break today. While I did have to go to town to do a few errands I now have the afternoon to relax. My mom phoned this morning and said she'd take my girls since her physio appt had been moved to Thurs. It always feels odd to be here at home without the boisterous energy of my 3 year old and the babbling of the 10 month old. It does feel good to be having a few moments of peace. Without the worry of waking someone or wondering how many more minutes I have to write or just sit. I actually feel as though I could sleep but it feels like such a waste because it's only a couple hours of me time. I think any mother out there can sympathize. It's definitely not that you don't love your babies it's just that in the process of having babies and taking care of them (because God knows that no one can take care of them like you) you sort of lose yourself. You don't take the time to do things that replenish your spirit and resources. It seems to be important judging by how bitchy I was yesterday. I hate that feeling. I hate snapping at my children but when you're on edge already you can only handle the question "why?" so many times.
I'm on my one hour left count down to picking up the girls so I'm going to get some writing done. I don't want to feel completely guilty.

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