Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another Wed.

Today is the day I really look forward to. My mom takes my girls and I'm able to do whatever I want. I can write, watch movies, clean house (haha just kidding), work on art or scrapbook or lay in bed and read all day. It my time to regain a bit of myself.
I'm trying to get in the habit of doing this blog on Wednesdays. That way I don't have any distractions. No trying to type with kids hanging off of my legs and screaming. I love my girls but the screaming is really getting to me. The littlest one is coming into her personality and the older one is having a hard time with this. She can't understand why dd#2 screams when she takes something away.
I've been doing something about my weight lately. I'm down 18 pounds with only another 3-5 to go. It actually came off relatively easy once I set my mind to it. It's just good to be back in my clothes and be back in general. No spare tire around the middle. Yeah!
Now I'm trying to decide on writing goals for this week. I've been giving a lot of thought to writing fillers and articles for magazines. I'm kind of sorry I didn't pay more attention to the non fiction side of things with some of the courses I did. I went in focused on fiction and did well with that but I think that non fiction might be what I need to be doing. I know it's awful but I need to make a bit of money to help out. For what I'm qualified for that would mean a minimum wage job, which would be fine. I've done it before. Except now I have two children who need to be looked after and that costs money. So I'd probably be working just to pay for child care. So not a big help.
My hubby is always after me to finish my book. Yes, but to what end. Just because I finish it doesn't mean it will ever be published. I know, there's that bad attitude coming out again. But I feel like I'm just being realistic. And if I do finish it and sell it, it's not going to help us now.
But I guess I should quit lamenting and go get something useful accomplished.
It's my day.

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