Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Busy Busy

Today I'm definitely not getting in as much writing as I would like.
First, I took the girls over to Moms and by the time I walked home again it was about 10:30.
Then, I had to hang out the laundry and clean bathrooms. Stuff has been building up lately so I did some windows, vacuumed and mopped.
I'm also making homemade chicken noodle soup since we had roast chicken for supper last night I'm making it from scratch. Must be feeling ambitious.
I was down another pound this week so that's 19.5 down and 2 to go. Whoo hoo!
I'm reading, Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym. I am really getting a lot out of his books lately.
I feel like I'm floating aimlessly when it comes to spiritual matters. After years and years of going to church, I just don't feel that is the best place for me. I've opened my mind to many different possibilities as my parents have. I just want to feel inner peace and contentment.
I had so many ideas for this blog this week. I'll have to start jotting ideas down during the week since my memory is not what it used to be.

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